AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria attracts 200 Scholarship for First Lady’s Renewed Hope Initiative

AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria attracts 200 Scholarship for First Lady’s Renewed Hope Initiative

In-line with AU Agenda 2063 and in actualizing this Year’s AU theme, Education and Skill Africa for the 21st Century, AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria has attracted Scholarship for 200 hundred bright Student across Nigeria for the first lady of Nigeria’s Renewed Hope Initiative (RHI), through partnership with African School of Economics (ASE).

The National Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria, Princess Gloria Akobundu made this known at the unveiling ceremony, which took place on Thursday 1st August, 2023 at the presidential Villa Banquet Hall, Abuja.

Akobundu explained that AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria Leverages on Partnerships with Public and Private Sector in delivering its mandate – hence the Partnership with Renewed Hope Initiative (RHI) and African School of Economics (ASE) on Human Capital Development in line with the eight (8) Point Agenda of Mr. President.

“As part of efforts to advance education outcomes in Nigeria, Renewed Hope Initiative has partnered with us at the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), and our strategic ally the African School of Economics (ASE), with the support of their sister institution Princeton University, to provide equal opportunity scholarships to 200 students evenly selected from across Nigeria, for them to receive the best undergraduate education within the country”.

Speaking on the importance of the Scholarship, the AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria Boss explained that the 200 scholars would be exposed to modern day practical and technical skills that would help them fit perfectly into the modern day working environment.

“This project among many other on-going Education Programme, is apt and timely, it will not only positively harness the energy of our young people but will also reposition our youths for productivity and growth of our dear nation Nigeria, Africa and the world at large”.

The AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria CEO was full of Praise for the first Lady who through her Renewed Hope Initiative had embarked on several laudable projects and initiatives aimed at uplifting women, youth and children in different fields of endeavors including in the area of education, which was why AUDA-NEPAD had to attract Educational Scholarship for RHI.

“Her Excellency Senator Oluremi Tinubu’s work through the Renewed Hope Initiative (RHI) has effectively addressed predominant impediments to national development on a large scale, thereby bringing millions of households out of poverty and into productive and sustainable livelihoods.”

On her part, the AUDA-NEPAD CEO continental, Madame Nardos Thomas-Bekele, who was present at the unveiling ceremony said, this year being the African Union’s Year of Education, emphasizes the critical role education plays in the progress of the Youth of Africa. She said it is fitting to celebrate the Renewed Hope scholarships as they embodies Africa’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

“Empowering our youth is not just a priority but an imperative for the sustainable development of our continent. Globally, young people have consistently demonstrated their role as champions of democracy, effective governance, and catalysts for positive change”.

“Today, we are here to celebrate the exceptional young minds selected for the AUDA-NEPAD, African School of Economics, and Renewed Hope Initiative Scholarship Programme, under the stewardship of Her Excellency Senator Oluremi Tinubu, and in pursuit of the vision of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.

Speaking further on areas of interventions by the continental body, Madam Nardos explains that on health, particularly the Africa Demographic Dividend and Reproductive Health initiative, Nigeria will receive up to 2 million USD to support work in that area and a technical team will soon be in the country for the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp).

Other flagship programmes embarked upon are; the World Skills Africa, which is aimed at strengthening TVET systems in Africa including Nigeria. Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) aim at enhancing the employability of young Africans, with a grant of 10 million USD open to Nigeria. AUDA-NEPAD’s Creating Opportunities for Youth and Women in Africa Programme (COYWA), with 2 million USD available over a four-year period to support young innovators, women-owned businesses, and MSMEs. Strengthen Africa’s resilience and adaptation to climate change, through the AFR100 initiative a grant of 500,000 USD is provided to support smallholder farmers to increase sustainable agriculture production and contribute to food security in Nigeria.

“I am thrilled to announce that, in total, and in addition to other funding avenues, the window of support to Nigeria through AUDA-NEPAD will amount to an impressive 20 MILLION USD over a two-year period. This substantial investment underscores our unwavering commitment to empowering Nigerian youth, women, and innovators, fostering sustainable development, and driving economic growth across the continent”.
The First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Senator Oluremi Tinubu in her address, expressed delight at the AUDA-NEPAD/ASE scholarship award granted to some bright students under her pet project Renewed Hope Initiative Education support programme.

“The RHI Scholarship project in partnership with AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria was created to give equal opportunity of access to the highest global standard of tertiary education to the brightest young Nigerians from all over the 36 states of the Federation including FCT, and as evidence by the composition of females and males on the list, we have also ensured gender balance”.

“These 200 awardees will be enrolled into the African School of Economics (ASE) Nigeria, to study amongst a range of under graduates. I want to sincerely thank you (AUDA-NEPAD) for the hard work and effort that has led to today’s unveiling”.

Emphasizing the importance of education, the First Lady stressed that education remain a necessary key to resolving many economic and social problem of any country, however she regretted that some brilliant children have been denied education beyond secondary school level due to the socio-economic status of their parent. She called on African leaders to work towards creating access to education for all irrespective of their socio-economic background, noting that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR has already started the implementation of programme aimed at creating unhindered access to education for all.

“The administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR has done so much for Education. The zero interest student loan scheme, bursary and scholarship award to students and various education infrastructure development project are all geared towards providing unhindered access to education for every Nigerian students.

She said her Pet Project will continue to champion the education and empowerment of the girl child who have been traditionally excluded to a greater extent from gaining access to education like their male counterpart, adding that RHI has contributed over 1 million Naira per-annum for four years and a brand new laptop to students in Nigeria tertiary Institution to assist them pay tuition fees, buy books, and other educational expenses.

She further thanked the ASE for offering the Scholarship to the students, adding that with the affiliation of the ASE to reputable institution in USA – Preston University, and other Institutions in other parts of the world, the students would gain an added advantage of having the opportunity to go for internship in other parts of the world to broaden their horizon and in the process also acquire skill relevant in the 21st century.

They were good will messages from the Ambassador of Finland, Founder of ASE, Preston University, VC of ASE and an over view of the project by Mr. Obinna Obiwulu of ASE. Out of the over 2,000 students who applied for the scholarship, 200 of them were carefully selected after due diligent.

Mrs Akinwale Iyabo
AD Media,