Nigeria has many local festivals that date back to the time before the arrival of the major religions, and which are still occasions for masquerade and dance.
Nollywood is the second largest film producer after india’s Bollywood, and followed by Hollywood. Nigeria, known as “The Heart of African Music” has always been at the vanguard of world music.
Nigeria is gaining popularity as an unexplored touist haven. Furthermore, tourism is declared as a preferred sector, with attractive incentives attached to new investments.
Nigerian classic arts consists of mainly sculptures which were escavated at different sites in the country. The oldest is Nok, others are Igbo-Ukwu, Ife, Benin, Tsoede or Tada, Esie etc.
The cuisine of Nigeria has its roots in the nine thousand year old African traditions and some European influences. Food is related to art, traditions and culture.