Federal Government Press

Director: Mrs. Ahmed Hajarat Mustapha


1. Transforming government information into permanent printed matter which can reach the populace all over the country and internationally, such printed matter can be stored permanently for national interest and prosperity, and carrying out manpower development programmes in printing profession to both the staff and other governmental agencies.

2. Production of all printing and publishing requirements of the Federal Government of Nigeria and its agencies.

3. Ensuring that all jobs performed to date have been handled with utmost credibility to the satisfaction of government and other clients who acclaim our standards and service delivery as a reference beacon of excellence in the country.


  1. To print all Federal Government Publications such as Legal Books, Official Gazettes, Hansards, Instrument of Appointment of Judges and Ambassadors on external postings, Agreement Papers between Nigeria and other foreign countries, Report from various Ministries, Ledger Books, Classified Treasury Books  and Forms, Constitutions, Laws of the Federation, Statutory Instruments, Audit Reports, Financial Regulations, Public Service Rules, Customs Tarrifs, National Assembly Bills and Proceedings, Law Reports, etc.
  2. To supply to all Federal Government Offices throughout the federation stationery items such as duplicating paper, ruler, eraser, biro, stapler and pin,   stamp pad/ink, office pin and clip, rubber band,   envelope, etc.
  3. To supply and repair typewriters, duplicating machines and computers to all federal government establishments in the federation.
  4. To provide continuity of service to the government in power through publications.
  5. To preserve the confidentiality and secrecy aspect of federal government and its authority.
  6. To provide revenue generation through sales and distribution of printed official government documents.
  7. Provision of consultancy services to Ministries and various government agencies on request in respect of printing matters.
  8. To carry out Manpower Development Programmes in printing profession to both F.G.P. staff and other government agencies.
  9. Printing of textbooks, notebooks etc., for all federal institutions/unity schools.
  10. The printing of the Coat of Arms is an exclusive preserve of the F.G.P. Any institution seeking to make use of this imprint must seek the permission of    the Federal Government Printer (under the Copyright Laws).
  11. We are a totally production-oriented Government Department, serving not just the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation but indeed all    the three Arms of Government.