Environment Minister witnesses signing of 20 Strategic Catchment Management Plans For Acresal Project

Environment Minister witnesses signing of 20 Strategic Catchment Management Plans For Acresal Project

The Minister of Environment, Balarabe Abbas Lawal 8has witnessed the signing of Strategic Catchment Management Plans contratual consultancy services between Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (Acresal Project) and Mechon Geology and Engineering Services Limited in his office in Abuja and emphasises that the project is aimed at ensuring sustainable management and utilization of our water resources.

The Minister Stated that Integrated Catchment Management Plan provides a long-term strategy for sustainable development and utilization of water and related resources and ensures that land, water, and related resources are developed and managed in a coordinated manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.

He said the Agreement signing for the Development of Strategic Catchment Management Plan (SCMP) for ACReSAL is a crucial step towards responsible management of our natural resources which is also in line with Mr. President’s 8-Point Agenda.

“Catchments are vital ecosystems that support livelihoods, provide high-quality water, and sustain biodiversity. However, they face numerous challenges, including soil erosion, poor waste management, and climate change. The SCMP is designed to address these issues through efficient, effective, and sustainable management practices,” he added.

Speaking further, Balarabe said the purpose of this CMP is to provide a number of agreed investments in infrastructure and other interventions and actions meant to help resolve conflict, conserve and protect the catchment and its natural resources, and ensure equitable access to and use of water resource.

He said as a Minister of Environment he has promised Nigerians of improvement in environmental sustainability interventions and initiatives, adding that today’s event is one of the hallmarks of President Tinubu’s administration’s love for the restoration of nature and protection of ecosystems.

The Minister called on all stakeholders to work together to ensure the success of the initiative, for the benefit of the people and environment.

In his opening remarks, the National Project Coordinator, ACreSAL Abdulhamid Umar stated that the Catchment Management Plans highly commendable and desirable in actualizing all of the development planning.

He said a strong step towards addressing issues surrounding water management in the country for sustainable environment that we crave for is being driven by the Federal Ministry of environment have been taken now.

He thanked the Honourable Minister and his team for the crucial and vital role being played in actualizing the core mandate of the project.

Ibrahim Haruna
Head, Press and Public Relations Unit