Nasarawa And Chinese Mining Firm Sign Agreement For Second Face Of Lithium Processing Plant

Nasarawa And Chinese Mining Firm Sign Agreement For Second Face Of Lithium Processing Plant

FIC Report (Nasarawa State) – Nasarawa State Government has signed an Agreement with a Chinese Mining firm for the Establishment of Second face of Mining Processing plant in Nasarawa local government area of the State.

Governor Abdullahi Sule disclosed this while playing host to the team of Chinese Mining investors at the government house Lafia, the State capital.

As parts of his administration’s Commitments for industrialization to make Nasarawa State an investment destination, economically viable and create job Opportunities for the teaming unemployed youths, Governor Abdullahi Sule had on 10th May, 2024, inaugurated a Multi-million Naira Lithium Processing factory that has the Capacity to produce four thousand metric tonnes of Lithium per day in the State.

Describing the visit of the key decision makers on lithium investment to Nasarawa State as a welcome development, governor Abdullahi Sule explained that their visit to the State is to Commence the Construction of the Second lithium processing plant in state, noting that Nasarawa State was among the seven states of the federation that meet the requirements for the state action on business enabling reforms saver, governor Sule pointed out that the state is working assiduously towards actualizing it’s dream for industrialization.

Earlier the Chief Executive officer of the Chinese Mining firm Mr. Changjiang YU .noted that their visit to Nasarawa State is to make huge investment on Lithium Processing plant in Udege to create job Opportunities as well as provide cooperate social responsibility to the host Communities.

Managing Director Nasarawa investment Development Agency Ibrahim Abdullahi said Nasarawa State has qualified for four million US Dollars end credits facility under the State action on business enabling reforms saver.

The visit of the Chinese Mining investors which coincided with the seventh Nasarawa State Business enabling environment meeting brought together members of the State executive council and key players in Business and investment sectors.