SERVICOM Calls For Sustained Service Delivery Improvements In MDAs


The National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer SERVICOM, Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli has called on the National Communication Commission (NCC) to facilitate sustained service improvement guidelines and regulatory framework in MDAs.

Akajemeli made this statement in her keynote address, at the Nigerian Communication Commission Charter Review Launch, in Abuja on Wednesday September 11th, 2024.

The National Coordinator maintained that the charter is the centre of what they do at NCC, adding that it’s a singular tool that centres on trust.

She explained that the review reflects the extensive and continual changes taking place within the Commission, such as the review of Renewal of Licenses from 90 days to 60 days.

Mrs Akajemeli added that, the service charter review would help the commission to evaluate and improve on its current policies, procedures, as well as identify strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats such as (SWOT) analysis in the commission.

Akajemeli highlighted that the review would be beneficial to the Commission, as it indicates high level commitments that promotes fair treatment and dignified services.

Part of the benefits she said, is the communication entitlements of issuance of regulatory good standing to licences within (10-45) working days which enables progress to be measured and improves performance and among others.

According to her “SERVICOM was established in the year 2004 to challenge Nation-Wide Service Failure and make MDAs more citizen focused in their service delivery processes and procedures”.

“For the citizens, public institutions have a social obligation to render service and therefore have a legitimate expectation to be provided with quality services without a commercial motive,” She added.

She reiterated that “Achieving excellent service in NCC can only be enhanced through pro-active planning and focusing on ways of improving the quality of what we do at every level within and outside the Commission”.

Representing the Executive Vice Chairman/ CEO of Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC), Dr Aminu Maida, Mr Reuben Mouka, Head of Public Department in his opening remarks, hinted that the revised Charter is equipped with a switch QR code, which is a great improvement from the last service charter.

This he said, aligns with Management direction for the Commission to be digitally inclined as the world has moved towards digitization.

“Service is at the heart of what we do at the Commission and to the consumers, we are resolute to improve quality experience and commit to our vision and mission and the mandate to regulate the telecom industry with global best practice.” He added.

In his earlier welcome address, NCC Nodal Officer, Mr Bashiru urged participants to ensure that their participation would enhance their drive to improve service delivery across all departments in the Commission.

He applauded the Management for its support to ensure that the mandate of efficient service delivery is carried out in line with the principles of SERVICOM.

Henrietta Okokon
Assistant Director and Public Relations
SERVICOM Presidency