SERVICOM Chief Calls On MDA’s To Set Measureable Standards That Are Citizens Focused And Result Oriented


“We will get back to our various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s) with a clear mandate of setting our service delivery priorities right, while engaging with the citizens who come to take services from us”.

The National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) SERVICOM Presidency Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli made the call in her welcome address at a-3-Day National Conference on Public Service Delivery at University of Ibadan, Oyo State on Monday ,26th August, 2024.

Akajemeli explained that the set objectives of the conference is to create a positive organizational culture and setting clear expectations and holding employees accountable in their various service windows.

This she said, would provide support systems that would in turn produce effective communication and feedback for leaders to help ensure that their agencies are providing citizens with excellent and effective services in the public sector.

“It would accord us the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with regard to building leadership skills and commitment that would enhance employee engagement and productivity in our various MDA’s”, She further explained.

The SERVICOM Chief Executive pointed out that the epoch-making event demonstrates SERVICOM ‘s determined stance to entrench a culture of Excellence in Nigeria Public Sector.

The Conference she added, is geared towards engaging with Heads of government MDA’s, Senior Management, Directors of Reforms, Nodal Officers, Front Line Managers, and other stakeholders to discuss strategies for improving public sector performance.

“According to her, today’s event is predicated on our continuous drive towards attaining our collective dream of a better Nigeria anchored by Mr. President’s Renewed Hope Agenda. This she said, can only be achieved through visionary leadership, strengthened public sector transparency and accountability systems among others.”

“Let me remind you that an effective performance Management System plays a key role in this quest for excellent service delivery in the public sector”, She added.

Akajemeli while congratulating the House of Representatives Committee on Inter-Governmental Affairs and Focal Insights Management Services in their collaboration with SERVICOM, emphasized that the conference would generate high level discourse around key challenges as well as the 21st century strategies and approaches for sustainable transformation in the Nigerian public sector.

The conference which has in attendance stakeholders from various service delivery sectors and media in Nigeria, has the theme “Promoting Excellence Service Delivery in the Public Sector”.

The House of Representatives Chairman on Inter-Governmental Affairs, High Chief Canice Moore Nwachukwu, represented by the Deputy Committee Chairman, Honourable Ime Bassey Okon, in his opening speech, stated that the importance of exemplary service delivery in the public sector cannot be overemphasised.

Adding that it’s the cornerstone of a governance, which is ensuring citizen’s needs are met efficiently, effectively, and with highest standards of professionalism.

He said “As we gather here today, it is imperative that we engage in meaningful discussions, share innovative ideas, and commit to concrete actions that will elevate the quality of services provided to our citizens”.

The Chairman stated that through the partnership with SERVICOM and the expertise of the Commitee Consultant, the Conference is aimed to delve deeply into the challenges and opportunities that exist in promoting exceptional service delivery within the public sector.

This he said would be deployed by harnessing their collective knowledge and experiences, that would pave tangible improvements and advancements that are beneficial to their communities and society at large.

The Honourable member urged all participants to actively participate, share their insights, and collaborate towards the common goal of enhancing service delivery standards.

“Let us use this conference as a platform to inspire positive change, drive innovation, and ultimately raise the bar for excellence in public service”, He maintained.

Henrietta Okokon
Assistant Director Information and Public Relations