The National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer(NC/CEO) SERVICOM Presidency Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli has called on the Federal Capital Territory Internal Revenue Service(FCT-IRS) to maintain a timely resolution of complaints from the general public.
The National Coordinator made the statement when the SERVICOM Presidency paid an advocacy visit to the Acting Chairman,in Abuja on Tuesday 26th, November, 2024.
She mentioned that the appointment of Relationship/Compliant Desk Officer will help in the timely resolution of complaints, such as taxpayers’ complaint of over payment of taxes.
Mrs Akajemeli pointed out that the benefits of timely resolution of complaints include enhanced trust, increased loyalty, improved processes and competitive advantage.
“According to her, the purpose of SERVICOM ‘s visit among others is to ensure that the SERVICOM Unit work plan is implemented, the establishment of parastatals SERVICOM committee in FCT-IRS, development and implementation of FCT-IRS service charter is launched, and the inclusion of the SERVICOM Unit in FCT-IRS key service delivery activities and among others.
Mrs Akajemeli recommended that the management of local parastatal’s SERVICOM Unit will drive improvement in the service, adding that they should prioritize the formulation of FCT-IRS service charter for performance monitoring and service improvement in FCT-IRS.
In his response, the Acting Director, FCT-IRS Mr Michael Hadi Ango stated that he is committed to customer’s satisfaction.
Ango said he believed in people and partnership adding that FCT-IRS is a model to provide services to general public.
He mentioned, that most of the things they do is automated services rendered to numerous customers n FCT- IRS, assuring that he will develop their charter by 2025.

Henrietta Okokon
Assistant Director Information / Public relations