Welcome Address by the Honorable Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris fnipr on Federal Government Intervention Programmes Ably Represented By The Head of Centre, (FIC), Abia State, Lady Gloria Ify Abiakam

Coat of arms

My fellow Nigerians, esteemed guests, Distinguished citizens of our great nation, honoured colleagues, ladies, and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to this important gathering.

This is both a privilege and an honour to stand before you today as we gather to embark on a mission that touches the very heart of our nation. We come together with a shared purpose – to uplift and empower each and every one of us, and to extend a hand of support in this period of transition.

We embark on a crucial journey to inform and empower our fellow Nigerians about the Federal Government’s intervention programs designed to ease the impact of recent policy changes, particularly the removal of the fuel subsidy.

The removal of the fuel subsidy, while necessary, has undoubtedly brought about challenges that many of us are feeling deeply. But today, I am here to share the good news that your government is not blind to these challenges, nor are we indifferent.

The government remains deeply committed to cushioning the effects of these changes through a series of strategic initiatives aimed at addressing various sectors and needs of our people. These programs are vital for fostering economic growth, creating job opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life for every Nigerian.

Let me also remind you that we are here to tell you that hope is alive – that amidst the changes, a multitude of opportunities are being created to help cushion the effects of this policy. The Federal Government is committed to standing by the people, ensuring that no one is left behind. These intervention programs are designed with you in mind – they are meant to empower, uplift, and provide relief where it is most needed.

Allow me to introduce to you some of these initiatives, which are not just programs, but lifelines – opportunities for us to grow, thrive, and secure a brighter future:

  1. Student Loan Scheme (nelf.gov.ng)– A promise to our children and youth. This initiative offers financial aid to ensure that no Nigerian student is left without the education they deserve, regardless of financial barriers.
  2. Consumer Credit Corporation (credicorp.ng)– This program gives individuals and families access to credit, helping you meet personal and business needs during these challenging times.
  3. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Initiative (pci.gov.ng) – A cleaner, more affordable energy source to reduce the burden of rising fuel prices and make life more manageable for every Nigerian family.
  4. Digital and Creative Enterprises (iDiCE) Program (boi.ng/idice) – For our young innovators and entrepreneurs, this initiative provides the support to bring dreams to life in the digital and creative sectors, creating jobs and fostering talent.
  5. Skill-Up Artisans Programme (SUPA) (supa.itf.gov.ng)– To our hardworking artisans, this program will provide the training you need to enhance your skills and secure a place in today’s competitive market.
  6. National Youth Talent Export Programme (NATEP) (natep.gov.ng)– This program is dedicated to showcasing the talents of our youth to the world, giving them the chance to shine on a global stage and make Nigeria proud.
  7. Housing Initiatives (fha.gov.ng/ongoing-project) – For those seeking the comfort and security of a home, this initiative will provide affordable housing solutions, so every family can have a place to call their own.
  8. Nano-Business Support (tucnigeria.org.ng) – To the small business owners and entrepreneurs, this initiative is here to support and grow your businesses, enabling you to contribute to the economy and provide for your loved ones.
  9. Nigerian Youth Academy (NIYA) (niya.ng) – This program will mold the leaders of tomorrow by offering our youth the tools and skills they need to step into leadership roles and shape the future of Nigeria.
  10. Micro and Small Business Loans (boi.ng/micro-business) – We recognize the importance of small businesses, and through this initiative, we are offering financial support to help them flourish.
  11. NDDC Internship Scheme for Niger Delta Youth (nyis.nddc.gov.ng)– For the young people of the Niger Delta, this internship program will provide employment opportunities and hands-on experience to secure a prosperous future.

These initiatives are not just statistics or policies – they represent real opportunities to change lives. They are a symbol of the government’s dedication to supporting each and every one of you, ensuring that the doors of opportunity remain open. We are not just addressing the challenges of today; we are building a pathway to a better tomorrow.

With due respect, these programmers are a testament to the Federal Government’s commitment to inclusive development and its determination to provide sustainable solutions that will uplift the standard of living for all Nigerians.

My dear citizens, I urge you to spread the word. These programs are here for you, your neighbors, your families, and your communities. Let’s take advantage of them, let’s engage with them, and together, we can build a Nigeria where everyone has the chance to succeed.

I, however, urge all state and local governments to actively disseminate information about these initiatives and ensure that citizens across all regions are fully aware and encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. Together, we can build a brighter and more prosperous future for Nigeria.

In conclusion, I want to assure you that this government is with you. We are committed to your well-being, and we are working tirelessly to create a future where all Nigerians can thrive. With unity, hope, and hard work, we will rise from these challenges stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Thank you, and may God bless you all. May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Abiam Gloria Ifeyinwa
Head Of Centre, FIC, Umuahia, Abia State.