SERVICOM: Expand Quality Service Delivery Initiatives In All NSITF Zones

The National Coordinator/ CEO SERVICOM PRESIDENCY Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli with the Managing Director/ CEO Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund ( NSITF), Mr. Oluwaseun Mayomi, during an advocacy visit in Abuja.
The National Coordinator/ CEO SERVICOM PRESIDENCY Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli with the Managing Director/ CEO Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund ( NSITF), Mr. Oluwaseun Mayomi, during an advocacy visit in Abuja.

The National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer (NC/CEO) SERVICOM Presidency, Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli has called on the Nigerian Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) to be more determined to expand its service delivery initiatives that are citizens centered and measurable in all its zonal /States and Headquarters offices service wide.

The National Coordinator made the statement at the Advocacy Visit to the Managing Director, Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), in Abuja.

She explained that Government is about the people, and the quality of governance is determined by the quality of services delivered to citizens and the extent to which these services meet their needs and expectations.

Akajemeli further explained that SERVICOM focuses on improving the quality of that contact by working with Ministries, Departments and Agencies(MDA’s), such as NSITF to ensure effective service delivery processes that are citizens centered such as reimbursement, compensation for workplace related injuries.

According to her “The proposed SERVICOM Compliance Evaluation (SCE) of NSITF will be embarked upon by on SERVICOM Office to evaluate compliance measures at the Headquarters and selected Branches of the Fund”.

“The overall objective of the SERVICOM Compliance Evaluation she said, is to ensure citizen centered service delivery in the Fund, and identifying gaps in service delivery processes and making recommendations to improve customer satisfaction and accountability across board”.

The National Coordinator highlighted the high expectations such as monitoring service delivery activities for improved services to their Stakeholders.

The Stakeholders forum she quipped is recommended to be held annually to discuss best practices around customer service and to harvest quality feedbacks.

She encouraged Management is to provide adequate resources for the SERVICOM Unit to implement its approved work plan for year 2024 for improved customer satisfaction to all stakeholders.

NSITF must put measures in place that can encourage local governments to key into the scheme, she added.

While welcoming the SERVICOM team, the Managing Director / CEO Nigerian Social Insurance Trust (NSITF), Mr. Oluwaseun Mayomi Faleye, stated that quality service delivery is at the core of what he has set out to achieve in the Fund.

He informed the National Coordinator, that the Fund is poised to look into the internal and external processes and key into result – oriented platforms that are dynamic and also create awareness around the compensation initiatives of the Fund.

He pledged his commitment to pursue those initiatives of improving services in the key service areas such as the front line Office, Claims and Compensations Department as well as adopt and implement the complete evaluation guidelines and framework as stipulated by the SERVICOM Office.

Henrietta Okokon
Assistant Director Information and Public Relations