Changing the Disability Narrative

Changing the Disability Narrative

By Patience Daniel Ochigbo

Disability comes in many forms, physical, cognitive, sensory and verbal. A disability may change over time, requiring new adaptations to home, school or work environment.

Historically, disability was mainly viewed as a medical problem and health care was the focus for helping individuals adapt to the environment which cannot be ruled out. However, a social perspective has emerged which views disability as a problem of the social environment. Thus, adapting to the environment has become the primary means of intervention.

Persons with disability (PWD), are not treated like normal people and are often made to feel ostracized. This narrative, disconnect and mistreatment needs to end. It is important for people to be aware, that disabilities aren’t contagious. PWD are a special person with great potentials who needs opportunities to break through.

Sharing their personal narratives, helps to educate the public on how they overcome their disabilities to Live a fulfilled life, encourages and builds up high self esteem for family and friends with PWD, which prevent unintentional stereotypes from causing harm to the society and also show that every single life matters and is appreciated.

Furthermore, to create a swift workable environment for pwd,it is imperative to promote and educate people about individuals with disabilities so that, disabilities are normalized in the public eye. Interaction with PWD is a great way of boosting their mental abilities which has a ripple effect to the younger generation in how they see and perceive persons with disability without any sense of stigmatization, but a heart full of love empathy and acceptance.

Meanwhile, creating a better environment for PWD, is to ensure they are active in all sectors of the economy, which is in line with the renew hope agenda of Mr President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, fully geared with the implementation of 5% inclusion of PWD in all sectors of the economy, giving them smiles and renewed hope for the future.