Forging Strategic Alliances: Nigerian Tourism Ministry Collaborates with Italian Embassy on Community-Based Tourism, Infrastructure, and Cultural Exchange

Forging Strategic Alliances: Nigerian Tourism Ministry Collaborates with Italian Embassy on Community-Based Tourism, Infrastructure, and Cultural Exchange

Abuja, Nigeria — August 22, 2024: The Honourable Minister of Tourism, Lola Ade-John, engaged in a significant dialogue with the Italian Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency Stefano De Leo, to advance community-based tourism, cultural exchange, and infrastructure development between the two nations.

Ambassador De Leo recognized Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage and its potential to drive economic growth through community-centered tourism. He highlighted that tourism, particularly at the community level, is a vital sector for job creation and economic inclusion.

The Honourable Minister affirmed Nigeria’s commitment to leveraging community-based tourism as a key element in economic diversification, aligned with President Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda. She emphasized the strategic focus on empowering women and youth in local communities to showcase Nigeria’s unique cultural and natural assets.

The discussions also explored the integration of tourism into educational curricula to foster future professionals and the promotion of Nigeria’s culinary diversity on international platforms like Italy’s annual Cuisine Week.

Further, the conversation touched on streamlining visa procedures to enhance international accessibility and President Tinubu’s coastal road project, aimed at boosting regional connectivity and opening new tourism corridors.

The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to future collaborations, with Ambassador De Leo expressing Italy’s readiness to partner with Nigeria in areas that will mutually enhance both nations’ tourism sectors.

Chindaya Ahmadu,
Director of Press, Ministry of Tourism/Ministry of Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy