The Federal Government has been charged to increase budgetary allocations to States and Local Governments Councils (LGCs) to at least 10% to support food systems in order to ensure food security in the country.
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), a development partner gave this charge, at the bi-annual review meeting on the implementation of Food Systems Transformation Pathways in Nigeria, held from the 27-28 November, 2024 in Calabar, Cross River State.
Mrs. Joyce Akpata, the representative of GAIN observed that Nigeria allocates only 1.2 % of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to agriculture which is far below the Maputo declaration target of 10%.
Statistics provided by the GAIN, indicated that only 17% of Local Government Councils (LGCs) in the country have dedicated budgets for food systems related activities in year 2022.
Stakeholders therefore hammered on the need for the federal government to not just increase allocations, but exhibit the political will to ensure the release of the funds as increased allocations with zero releases will have a negative impact in the implementation of the Food Systems initiative.
The Stakeholders also advocated for a multi-sectoral approach of collaboration between the private sector through public private partnership (PPP), donor agencies and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as an essential pillar to co- finance transformative projects.
In order for the funds to be fully and judiciously utilized, they called for the capacity building and institutional strengthening of LGCs staff to design and manage food systems budget effectively.
The Cross River State Governor Sen. Prince Bassey Otu while declaring the meeting open, welcomed the support and collaboration of development partners and other States in the zone as this will improve the efficiency of food systems and consequently create the intended impact across the zones.
The Vice Chairman/CEO Cross River State Planning Commission Dr. Bong Duke while welcoming Participants, noted that Cross River State had established a State Committee on Food Systems which is all inclusive for effective participation of all food Systems actors like farmers, women and youth groups.
Dr. Sanjo Faniran the National Convenor of Food Systems in Nigeria while giving an Overview of the Food Systems Transformation Implementation Strategy reiterated that food system transformation is non- negotiable for socio-economic development of the country. Dr. Faniran opined that the pathways towards significant transformation requires smart partnership, right policies, good governance, and good business models.
Technical sessions featured presentation of papers on Enhancing Multi- sector collaboration for Food Systems by Prof. Toyosi Idowu, Financing and Resource Mobilization for Food Systems Transformation at National Levels in Nigeria by Joyce Akpata of GAIN, Youth Engagement and Mapping by Mr. Azeez Salawu a Youth Lead for the National Task Team for the Food Systems.
States in the zones made presentations on the implementation of the Food Systems Transformation.
Commissioners for Health, Finance, Agriculture, Education and Planning from the South East and South South zones attended the meeting.
Osagie Jacobs J.I (Mrs.)
Director Information and PR