Honourable Minister Lola Ade-John Propels Nigerian Culinary Tourism to Global Prominence at Manchester’s AfroFlavour Food Festival

Honourable Minister Lola Ade-John Propels Nigerian Culinary Tourism to Global Prominence at Manchester’s AfroFlavour Food Festival

Honourable Minister Lola Ade-John, Nigeria’s Minister of Tourism, led the charge in promoting Nigeria’s rich culinary heritage at the AfroFlavour Food Festival and Afro Food Business Conference, held in Manchester from July 5-7, 2024. These events highlighted Nigeria’s pivotal role in global gastronomy tourism, showcasing the country’s vibrant flavors and cultural diversity.

At the Afro Food Business Conference, Minister Lola Ade-John articulated Nigeria’s culinary prowess as a cornerstone of its tourism appeal. She highlighted over 250 ethnic groups contributing to a mosaic of flavors, from the famed jollof rice to the comforting pepper soup, each dish telling a story of resilience and creativity. “Our cuisine is a powerful medium for cultural diplomacy, offering visitors an immersive experience into Nigeria’s rich heritage,” she affirmed.

The conference illuminated the economic potential of culinary tourism, with Minister Lola Ade-John noting that food-related activities are a significant draw for tourists seeking authentic cultural experiences. She emphasized Nigeria’s strategic initiatives, such as the AfroFlavour Food Festival and Gastronomy Festival, which not only celebrate local cuisines but also stimulate economic growth through tourism.

Transitioning to the AfroFlavour Food Festival Welcome Cocktails, Honourable Minister Lola Ade-John commended the festival’s organizers for elevating African gastronomy on a global platform. The festival featured a diverse array of African dishes, offering attendees a sensory journey across the continent.

Participants engaged in cooking demonstrations, tastings, and cultural showcases that highlighted the depth and richness of African culinary traditions. Minister Lola Ade-John encouraged guests to immerse themselves in Nigeria’s culinary delights, inviting them to explore the country’s cultural heritage through food.

These events received endorsement from the Nigerian Presidency and garnered support from prominent third-party sponsors, reflecting Nigeria’s commitment to positioning culinary tourism as a catalyst for economic development and cultural exchange. By showcasing Nigeria’s gastronomic diversity, the events fostered international goodwill and strengthened global ties.

Honourable Minister Lola Ade-John emphasized the festivals’ role in promoting cultural understanding and economic opportunities. She highlighted Nigeria’s dedication to sustainable tourism practices, ensuring that local communities benefit from tourism initiatives while preserving cultural heritage.

In conclusion, Honourable Minister Lola Ade-John reaffirmed Nigeria’s commitment to culinary excellence and tourism promotion on the global stage. She invited international visitors to experience Nigeria’s rich culinary traditions firsthand and explore the diverse cultural landscape the country offers.

Chindaya Ahmadu,
Director of Press, Ministry of Tourism/Ministry of Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy